The contents of this Article are as follows:
First is the challenge of Bro. Duane to Eli Soriano or Any member of ADD who are willing to appear in a neutral place for a gentleman Debate.
Second is the response of Bro. Duane to Eli Soriano against the statement of Pope Francis.
Third is the response of Bro. Duane to attacks of Eli Soriano against the Catholic Church.


Bro. Eli,
Let us not prolong this conversation. Let us debate on this important topic. I sent you an invitation as early as February of 2014.
Before you posted your article against Pope Francis, I already challenged you as early February 2014. If you were not the one who replied, who among your members answered me?
I thought that you do not choose any topic for debate and that you can stand for any word you say.
Why can’t you afford to defend your recommended bible?
I remember what you said to a pastor, “Dapat yung sinabi mo kung lalaki ka nakahanda mong panindigan”, If you say anything, you must be able to defend it.
Now, I throw that back to you.
Dapat yung sinabi mo kung tunay kang lalaki ay nakahanda mong panindigan.
You said that the King James Version is truthful to the original language.
No matter how many times you or any member of MCGI denies that you do not only use the King James Version but you use various versions of the bible, it is this version that you use for preaching and debates often times.
Now, why do you recommend the King James Version if you cannot actually stand for what you say? Did you mean saying something that you are not sure of supporting?
The excuse that you and your member use that why do we need to use Hebrew because we are all Filipinos is ridiculous.
So, I challenge you to a gentleman’s debate to prove that your highly recommended King James Version is truthful to the original language just like you said in the video.
I will give you an example why I question your highly recommended King James Version.
If you can read and understand the hebrew text below you will understand why i challenge you to a gentleman debate. If you studied hebrew, you will find out the difference between the king james version that you highly recommended and the original text in hebrew bible.
When we engage in debate, there are many other verses that I will ask you about.
I understand why you gave me the condition why I should first ask an authority from our Pope.
Did the Catholics whom you had previous debates with needed to upload an authority from the Pope?
Now, if you do not want to appear in a gentleman’s debate, recommend anyone to face me. Are you willing to do this?
Any minister you like such as Daniel Razon, Josel Mallari or Mel Magdaraog.
I will face you in any neutral venue anywhere in the Philippines especially here in western visayas (via satellite).
If you want, you can televise our debate in a neutral place for others to watch. It is not possible to follow what your members in the ADD coordinating center want or schedule it during your bible exposition.
I am just surprised why your members always WANT TO DEBATE IN THIS PLACE CALLED THE ADD COORDINATING CENTER. Did you teach them that the neutral place for a debate is the coordinating center?
I will face you in any neutral place here in the Philippines. It can be in the plaza or gym and you can televise this debate.
Let us not prolong this further.
Sincerely yours,
Bro. Duane
Catholic Apologist
Catholic Church


Jesus is a man 1a

This particular part of my reply is not exclusive only to Bro. Eli but extends to those who thought that the Pope is teaching that Jesus is just a man.
The evidence for such claim is a very short video taken from a report by what appears to be by
Is the Pope saying that Jesus is a man, that is, is he saying that Jesus is exclusively a human being and not God or Spirit? Or is the Pope directing our attention to the humanity of Jesus without the intention of disregarding his nature as God?
Our answers to these questions can be strengthened by our knowledge of the teachings of the Church or be marred by our biased against it.
If the Pope is emphasizing that Jesus is a just a man and not God, then the Iglesia ni Cristo should rejoice for finding in the new Pope an ally for their belief that Jesus is not God.
Obviously however, they do not think that the Pope was actually saying what they thought was saying. Here is something written about Pope Francis and his belief in the Divinity of Christ. “God has willed to share our human condition to the point of making himself one of us in the Person of Jesus, who is true man and true God.”
Jesus is GOD and Man1
Jesus is GOD2
If the Pope actually said that Jesus is not God. There should have been a great uproar within the Catholic Church. A Pope teaching something against the major doctrine will cause such a big wave of opposition among the Cardinals and the other leaders of the Church. But there was none of that. Why? BECAUSE THE POPE WAS NOT TEACHING THAT JESUS IS JUST A MAN. Only the ignorant and those “hasty in their conclusions” will commit such error of understanding the video.
Let us analyze the video properly and see if there claims about what the Pope said is true. The reporter starts saying, “During his daily morning mass, Pope Francis talks about the humanity of Jesus. He encouraged people to see Jesus as a man who still prays for us. The Pope explains that through His wounds, Jesus reminds the Father that he paid the ultimate price to save humanity.”
Here, the reporter gives us a brief summary of what the Pope’s topic was all about. She says, it’s about the Humanity of Jesus. The emphasis of his homily is about Jesus’ humanity; not His divinity. Because of that, it should be expected that the Pope will talk about Jesus as a man. This should not be construed however that through this homily, the Pope is saying that Jesus is not God. It is logical to conclude that if the topic is about the divinity of Jesus, then the Pope will talk about Jesus as God. What was further emphasized in the homily about the humanity of Jesus was that as a man, Jesus prays for us and being a man, he had the wounds to remind the “Father that He paid the ultimate price to save humanity.”

Did the reporter say that Pope Francis said that Jesus is not God? She did not.

So let us continue to examine the rest of the video and find out if the Pope said that Jesus is not God. The following are the translated statements of the Pope in the 2.3 minute video I am analyzing. “He is the intercessor, the One who prays and prays to God with us and before us. Jesus has saved us, he gave us this great prayer, His sacrifice, His life, to save us, to justify us: we are righteous through him. Now He’s gone, but he still prays. Some ask, is Jesus is a spirit? Jesus is not a spirit? Jesus is a person, a man, with flesh like ours but full of glory. Jesus has the wounds on his hands, feet, sides, and when he prays to the Father He shows the price of justification, praying for us, as if to say: But, father, let this not be lost!”
Go over the statements again. Did the pope say that Jesus is not divine, not God? Only a wild, distorted, malicious, untrained, or perhaps satanically deceived individual will say that he did.
The Pope however said, “Some ask, is Jesus is a spirit? Jesus is not a spirit?” This statement simply says that JESUS IS NOT A SPIRIT. It does not say that Jesus is not God. I saw a shorter version of the video, titled “SHOCKING: Pope Francis says Jesus is not divine just a man,” I wonder if the person who uploaded the video understands the difference between “Jesus is not a spirit” and “Jesus is not divine.” If anyone thinks that the two statements are the same. I do not think that such a person should read any further. He just do not have the mental capacity to understand the difference between simple logical concepts, hence any further reading will be fruitless.
Anyway, a humble prayer for wisdom or understanding may actually work. So I recommend he does that before proceeding. The pope also did not say “Jesus is JUST a man.” The inclusion of “just” demeans the humanity of Jesus. His humanity was constantly highlighted in the bible. “…Jesus Christ came to earth in a real body. (2 John 1:7); “If a prophet acknowledges that Jesus Christ became a human being, that person has the Spirit of God.” (1 John 4:2).
The bible talks about the Spirit of Jesus (Philippians 1:19; Acts 16:7). It also says “The Lord is the Spirit…” (2 Cor. 3:17 except in the Douay-Rheims Version, where “the” is an “a”). These verses when associated with Jesus speak not of an ordinary spirit but the Spirit of God.
When Pope Francis was saying “Jesus is not a spirit”, he is actually being faithful to the teaching of the bible. If you believe that Jesus is a spirit, you are actually saying that Jesus does not have a flesh. BUT HE DOES. And if you go back and read what the Pope was saying in his homily, you will find out that he was actually talking about the essential value of the flesh of Jesus for our redemption. Jesus came in this world in the flesh (1 Timothy 3:16).

So, if you understand Greek grammatical analysis that your members cannot understand, you will understand what I mean.
ἀρχῆ:noun, feminine gender, first declension, dative case, singular number
ἦν imperfect tense of the verb εἰμί. Indicative mood, Imperfect tense,
active voice, third person singular
ὁ λόγος: noun, masculine gender, second declension, nominative case,
singular number
ἦν imperfect tense of the verb εἰμί. Indicative mood, Imperfect tense,
active voice, third person singular
προς: preposition
τον θεόν: noun, masculine gender, second declension, accusative case,
singular number
θεὸς: noun, masculine gender, second declension, nominative case, singular
ἦν imperfect tense of the verb εἰμί. Indicative mood, Imperfect tense,
active voice, third person singular
ὁ λόγος: noun, masculine gender, second declension, nominative case,
singular number
john 114
Sarx (flesh) in greek means body and soul.
In John 1:14, it is clearly said that λόγος = ”word, speech” (cf. John 1:1) became σάρξ = ”flesh” referring to Jesus.

breh d-’anša’

Do not forget that Jesus was a son of man.
If you studied a bit of Aramaic, you will understand.
Christ repeatedly calls himself “the Son of man”.
“The son of man” on its own in Syriac is simply ܒܪܗ ܕܐܢܫܐ. /breh d-’anša’/.
It is made up of “bara” which is “the son”, “de” which means “of”, and “anša” which is the word for “man”

Jesus died, resurrected from the dead and is pleading for us as he is sitting next to God (Romans 8:34). This is what Pope Francis was talking about. And this is sound catholic doctrine.
Remember that when Jesus roused from the dead he was not a spirit or a ghost he had an actual body.
We have the verb ψηλαφάω = ”I touch”, as well as the words σάρκα και οστέα = ”flesh and bones’
After all these, He went back to heaven with the same resurrected body (Luke 24:51.)
Tell me…is there is a verse in the bible that says’ Jesus resurrected body became a spirit?
In your blog you stated, a heavenly body is different from an earthly body, and quoted, I CORINTHIANS 15:40 (There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.) but that is not the point, the verses you are using talks of a body not a spirit. The present state of Jesus is not just spirit as we understand spirit as distinguished from flesh. You mentioned in your blog, that “after the resurrection, the body of flesh and bone is changed into a glorious body.”
See, you just don’t know it, you exactly agree with the Pope your trying to accuse of heresy. The Pope said, Jesus is a person, a man, with flesh (body) like ours but full of glory. Isn’t this what glorious body actually mean? You may not know it, you’re a catholic already and you completely agree with the Pope. Why couldn’t you just mention “changed into a spirit.” Because you have no clear basis for that.
You quoted also 1 Corinthians 15:52, “the dead shall rise again incorruptible. And we shall be changed” and then you added, “The same thing happened to Jesus Christ when He ascended to heaven”. Where did you base this conclusion? Think again. This verse talks about resurrection, not ascension. Did the body of Jesus change when he ascended to heaven?
Where is that written in the bible? And besides this verse talks about a “change” did it say, change into a “spirit?” Go into the 54th verse and you will encounter a change into a “heavenly body” but not a “spirit.” This body is definitely different from the earthly but is clearly not a spirit. The Pope is right and you have just used the exact verses that support his claim. “Jesus is not a spirit.” He is a person, with flesh or body. His is not like our old bodies. His is glorious. His is heavenly. But His is not a spirit with a small letter “s.”
Lastly you quoted II Cor. 5:16, Wherefore henceforth, we know no man according to the flesh. And if we have known Christ according to the flesh: but now we know him so no longer. Then you continued saying “Why did Apostle Paul say, ‘if we have known Christ according to the flesh: but now we know him so no longer’? The reason is, from His being in the flesh Christ became again a spirit.
This interpretation is far from relevant in the topic if we use much clearer translations from 16 So then, from this point on we won’t recognize people by human standards. Even though we used to know Christ by human standards, that isn’t how we know him now. (CEB) 16 So from now on, we do not look at anyone from a worldly viewpoint. Even if we once regarded the Messiah from a worldly viewpoint, we do so no longer.(CJB) 16 From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh.Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer. (ESV) Are you still shock? The Pope maybe just too deep for some non-Catholics, so that he is misunderstood. Or some non-Catholics are too shallow that they cannot understand a basic Catholic homily. Just an afterthought, have you seen the faces of those who were watching the video, none of them appeared to be shock at all. It was basic catholic catechism. They understood exactly that there was nothing new in what the Pope was saying.


The other attacks of Eli Soriano against the Catholic Church.
You use Deuteronomy 5: 7-9 to prove that the Catholic Church is full of idol worshipers.
This is the Hebrew text of Deuteronomy 5:7-9.
My question is do you understand this Hebrew word?

Did you ever see Catholics who do that in front of images?
Now, in Hebrew you see that many Catholics are like that.
The two Hebrew words have different meanings. That is why you do not understand the verses you use.
Now, I ask you, can you explain to me the difference between the two Hebrew words based on Hebrew grammar?
One more thing, you see that we have images of saints in our churches. Thus, you use Exodus 20:4 and Deuteronomy 5:7-9 to say that we worship idols.
Do you know the difference between these two words?

peysamechlamedand tsadelamedmem

Regarding this…
Hebrew nouns can appear in singular form, plural form, absolute form and a construct form.
Also, Hebrew nouns have gender.
ות – feminine plural
ים – masculine plural
For example. This noun צַלְמֵ is a masculine singular noun. It means: statue , image, model , drawing
There is still a part 2 for this…