Tuesday, April 21, 2015


The Woman and the Dragon
Mary Was Not The Woman of Genesis 3:15
Confuting Protestantism’s Biblical Boo-boos Part III
By Jeanne d’Arce
Consistent with their anti-Marian biases and made worst by their usual biblical boo-boos, Protestants don’t believe that the woman in Genesis 3:15 alludes to Mary, the future Mother of God. Instead, the Protestants falsely thought and taught that the mysterious woman refers to either Eve or Israel but not to Mary (See Excerpts way below). Let us expose their blooper.
The Bible declares positively that Mary was the woman of Genesis 3:15
Let us analyze Genesis 3:15:
GEN 3:15 I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel. (Douay Rheims Version)
1. Who is the “thee?”
The “thee” was the serpent (GEN 3:14). That ancient serpent was the Devil or Satan (REV 12:9, 20:2).
2. Who is the “woman?”
The “woman” was the spirit of the future Mary, the Mother of God (LK 1:43).
3. What are the biblical proofs that the “woman” was the spirit of the future Mary?
a. The future offspring of the future woman “Mary” was Jesus Christ, who will crush Satan and destroy his works (ROM 16:20; 1JN 3:8), whereas, the future offspring of Satan – the anti-Mary, was the Antichrist (1JN 2:18; REV 13). Thus, God put enmity between the anti-Mary Satan versus Mary and between Satan’s offspring, the Antichrist, versus Mary’s offspring, the Christ. The antagonists were clear-cut: Anti-Mary versus Mary and Antichrist versus Christ.
b. God did not put enmity between Satan and Eve and between Satan’s offspring, the Antichrist, and Eve’s offspring, Cain, because the latter also belonged to Satan (1JN 3:12). Satan was not anti-Eve and Eve was not anti-Satan, but rather, they were friends because Satan offered Eve with a gift of the forbidden fruit and Eve graciously accepted and partook of that gift.
c. The enmity that God put between Satan and Mary and between their respective offsprings mentioned in the Bible’s first book (GEN 3:15) was mentioned again in the Bible’s last book (REV 12:17). The reiteration was not an insignificant repetition but a crucial emphasis on the everlasting mutual hatred between Satan and Mary and between Satan’s offspring and Mary’s offspring.
d. God did not put enmity between Satan and Israel and between Satan’s offspring, the Antichrist, and Israel’s offspring, the Jews, because the latter don’t bear witness to Jesus. Most Israelites never heard of or believed in Jesus Christ, yesterday, today and tomorrow.
The Bible declares positively that Eve cannot be the woman of Genesis 3:15
1. Satan was not in enmity with Eve, but rather, they connived with one another against the very first prohibition of God (cf GEN 3:1-19).
2. Satan’s offspring, the Antichrist, was not in enmity with Eve’s offspring, Cain, but rather, they both belonged to Satan (cf REV 13; 1JN 3:12).
3. The offspring of Eve, Seth, was not in the image and likeness of God, but rather, he was in the image and likeness of the sinner Adam (cf GEN 5:3), whereas, the offspring of Mary, Jesus Christ, was the image of the invisible God and he was in the form of God (COL 1:15; PHIL 2:6). The offspring of the woman will strike at the head of Satan, meaning, the offspring was Jesus Christ who will crush Satan and destroy his works (cf ROM 16:20; 1JN 3:8), that is, the Good destroying the Evil. Therefore, the woman was not Eve but Mary.
4. Until her death, Eve had no enmity with Satan, as her transgression was remembered even in the New Testament (1TM 2:14).
5. The part of God’s punishment to the woman in GEN 3:16 that states: “Yet your urge shall be for your husband, and he shall be your master” applies to Eve and not to Mary. Eve has urged for Adam that they had sexual intercourses (cf GEN 4:1, 25), whereas, Mary has no interest in either man or sex: “But Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I have no relations with a man (LK 1:34)?”
6. Mary was the good tree that bears good fruit, whereas, Eve was the rotten tree that bears bad fruit (cf MT 7:17-18). Mary’s good fruit was Jesus Christ who committed no sin (cf 1PT 2:22), while Eve’s bad fruit was Cain who belonged to the evil one (cf 1JN 3:12).
The Bible declares positively that Israel cannot be the woman of Genesis 3:15
1. If Jesus Christ was alluded to as Israel in the verses MT 2:15 and PS 114:1 below, then Israel cannot be the woman; otherwise, Israel becomes the offspring of Israel, or conversely, Israel becomes the mother of Israel. No matter what angle you look at it, it’s definitely a no-no.
MT 2:15 He stayed there until the death of Herod, that what the Lord had said through the prophet might be fulfilled, “Out of Egypt I called my son.”
PS 114:1 When Israel came forth from Egypt, the house of Jacob from an alien people…
2. Jesus Christ was never called the Son of Israel, but rather, the Son of Mary, or the Son of David (MK 6:3; MT 1:1).
3. God did not sent his Son to neither Israel nor David to be born, but rather, to a woman – the woman mentioned in GEN 3:15, IS 7:14, JN 2:4, JN 19:26, GAL 4:4 – and that woman was none other than Mary.
4. In IS 7:14, God said: the virgin (NOT ISRAEL) shall be with child, and bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel. And that virgin was none other than Mary (MT 1:18-23) and not Israel.
5. Solomon was molded in Bathsheba’s womb into flesh in a ten-months’ period – body and blood (WIS 7:1-2) and not in Israel’s womb, if there ever was such a weird thing to think. In the same manner, Jesus Christ was molded in Mary’s womb and not in Israel’s womb (cf MT 1:20; LK 1:31, 35). As children, Solomon and Jesus Christ took their body and blood from their respective mothers, and not from Israel which was never a mother that has uterus, and the Bible testifies on this fact:
HEB 2:14-15 Now since the children share in blood and flesh, he likewise shared in them, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and free those who through fear of death had been subject to slavery all their life.
6. From conception to gestation to delivery (cf LK 1:26-38, 1:39-45, 2:1-14), Jesus was in the womb of Mary and never in the womb of Israel.
The verse that says Jesus Christ was literally and physically conceived and born by either Eve or Israel was nowhere found and is simply missing in any Bible versions or translations. Why? Because, they are mere inventions of the lost Protestants as the following excerpts attests:
Protestantism’s perverted interpretation of Genesis 3:15
By rlsmith:
WHO IS THE WOMAN in Gen 3:15?
Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed.
This is one of the most misunderstood verses in ALL of Scripture.
IF we can’t understand the true meaning of Gen 3:15 then we might as well forget about trying,
to understand much of the Bible.
When God opened my eyes to this truth,
I basically had to start over in my Bible Study.
It should be obvious here, that THE WOMAN in Gen 3:15 is Eve,
because she is the Mother of the human race. We can’t forget God’s sovereign command back in
Gen 1:27 God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him;
male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply.
Therefore the seed in Gen 3:15 can ONLY be human seed.
Therefore, the serpent must refer to Adam, because no Angel can reproduce with any human being.
This is a case of simple biological reproduction, as can be proved by Gen 4:1
And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said,
I have gotten a man from the LORD. And again she bar his brother abel.
Therefore the seed in Gen 3;15 must refer to Cain and Abel.
Then the enmity was manifested when Cain rose up in Gen 4;8 and slew his brother abel.
Not only that, Eve herself defined the meaning of the word SEED in Gen 4:25
And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she,
hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.
So when Adam became wicked in Gen 3:1 God started to use the SERPENT
As a metaphor to describe the wicked behavior of Adam.
Such a METAPHORIC connection can be easily seen if we go to Psalm 58:3 which says
“The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.
Their poison is L—I—K—
the poison of a serpent”.
Christ also used this metaphor to describe the wicked behavior of the Pharisees
in Mat 23:33 when he said “YE SERPENTS”.
Despite all this clear evidence for the true meaning of the SERPENT, most Bible students today still
blindly assume that the SERPENT is SATAN, because they want to blame a fallen angel,
for the source of evil in our world.
But their case is destroyed by Jer 17:9 THE HEART is deceitful, above ALL THINGS,
And desperately wicked. Who can know it?
Paul recognized the wickedness of the Human Heart as he spoke in Rom 7:23
O WRETCHED man that I am,
Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
As long as the majority of Bible students continue to blame SATAN, the fallen angel
For the source of evil, in our world,
the human race will continue to descend into further darkness and chaos.
We should remember that the FEAR OF THE LORD, is the beginning of wisdom.
Today it seems like the FEAR OF SATAN, has taken over many churches,
with many DELIVERANCE ministries sprouting up to train people how to fight imaginary fallen angels.
As long as the majority of Bible students expect our Creator to destroy this imaginary
SATAN, through bible prophecy, the real evildoers will continue to flourish with no righteous opposition.
We need to start to fight the real war as described by 1 peter 2:11 saying
“Abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul”.
Remember He that HUMBLES himself will be exalted.
The most humble position that we can take, is one where MAN is the ONLY sinner in existence.
As soon as any Angel of God is accused of sin, we are exalting ourselves to an UNGODLY position.
I hope and pray that you will join me, in exposing this fallen angel myth,
before it causes more pain and suffering to the human race.
Last edited by rlsmith; 11-27-11 at 10:36 PM.
Resolved Question
Who is the woman in genesis 3:15?
Who is the Woman referred to in genesis chapter 3 verse 15 and what does SHE represent?
Best Answer – Chosen by Voters
In the Bible, the ancient nation of Israel was known as Jehovah God’s wife; Isaiah chapter 62 is a good chapter showing this point; Isaiah 62:4.
6 Jehovah quickly rendered judgment against Satan by stating in the first Bible prophecy: “I shall put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. He will bruise you in the head and you will bruise him in the heel.” (Gen. 3:15) Enmity would persist between Satan and God’s “woman.” Yes, Jehovah viewed the heavenly organization of faithful spirit creatures as a beloved wife bonded with him as Husband. This prophecy provided a sure basis for hope, although the details remained a “sacred secret” to be revealed progressively. God purposed that one from within the heavenly part of his organization would crush all rebels and that through him “the things in the heavens and the things on the earth” would be brought together.—Eph. 1:8-10.
bottom portion: Watchtower magazine.

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