Tuesday, April 21, 2015


The Mother of God. Photo credit: www.catholicanchor.org
The Mother of God. Photo credit: www.catholicanchor.org

Aquino Bayani Aquino Bayani • 20 hours ago
Confuting Mr. Gerry Soliman’s “Responding to the bizarre Arguments of Aquino Bayani.” Part 2 of 2.
“Let’s now deal the succeeding related arguments of Mr. Bayani:
The second person of the Trinity is the Son or Christ, and the Father and the Son are one. The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father (Jn 15:26), and since the Father and the Son are one, then the Holy Spirit proceeds also from the Son. Therefore, the Son, the Father, and the Holy Spirit are one in Christ, that is, in him dwells the whole fullness of the deity bodily (Col 1:19, 2:9). The Holy Trinity aka the fullness of God dwells in Jesus Christ, thus, He is the Triune God (Eph 3:19). True and faithful Christians who love Jesus Christ and the Mother of God share the fullness of God in the Triune God Lord Jesus Christ (Eph 3:19; Col 2:9).
Thus, to say that Mary is the Mother of God the Son only is not entirely accurate. The precise truth of God is this: Mary is the Mother of Christ, the Triune God! In short, MARY IS THE MOTHER OF GOD!
Therefore, the two irrefutable syllogisms above which Soliman failed miserably to debunk are really the truth of God:
By explication:
Mary is the mother of Jesus. Jesus is God. Therefore, Mary is the Mother of God.
And by implication:
Mary is the Mother of God. God is a Trinity. The Trinity is composed of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Therefore, Mary is the Mother of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – that is, in Jesus Christ, the Triune God!
“Focusing on Mr. Bayani’s statement, “Thus, to say that Mary is the Mother of God the Son only is not entirely accurate.” Really? What does a senatorial candidate have to say about it?”
{To clear up confusion in Dr. Pezzotta’s mind, let us clarify what the title Mother of God does not mean. Mary is not the mother of God the Father. If that were so, she would be the grandmother of Jesus Christ. Mary is not the mother of the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit is a pure Spirit Who proceeds from the Father and the Son. Mary is not the mother of the entire Godhead because God is eternal and infinite whereas Mary is a mere creature, hence finite. Mary is not the mother of the Divinity of Christ because as God, the Word existed from all eternity.}
“Therefore Mr. Bayani, a Roman Catholic apologist, contradicts a fellow Roman Catholic apologist in the person of senatorial candidate, Atty. Marwil Llasos. Oh my! Looks like Mr. Bayani needs a remedial class in Catechisms.”
Obviously, Mr. Soliman indeed mastered the art of deception, so let’s expose the puny fraud. He focused on my statement only partially, thus, he quoted it out of context. Here’s my full statement, as seen supra:
Thus, to say that Mary is the Mother of God the Son only is not entirely accurate. The precise truth of God is this: Mary is the Mother of Christ, the Triune God! In short, MARY IS THE MOTHER OF GOD!
What Atty. Marwil Llasos asserted was this: Mary is not the mother of God the Father, or the mother of the Holy Spirit, or the mother of the Divinity of Christ, or the mother of the entire Godhead.
I totally agree with Atty. Llasos’ exposé. Nowhere did I say: Mary is the mother of God the Father, or the mother of the Holy Spirit, or the mother of the Divinity of Christ, or the mother of the entire Godhead. No, I never said those biblical boo-boos. Those were just Mr. Soliman’s inherent fraudulent thoughts. As usual, Mr. Soliman overstretched his imagination a little too far.
You see, God the Father, the Holy Spirit, the Divinity of Christ, and the entire Godhead are all Spirits. No mother can mother a spirit only; otherwise, it’s called a possession. And for that matter, no mother can mother a soul only or a body only. Mothers can only mother the complete person of their child, that is, their child’s spirit, soul and body. If any of the components of a child’s spirit, soul or body is missing, surely, that creature is not a living human being. If a child has no spirit, then it is dead (Jms 2:26). If a child has no soul, then it is not a child but a beast, an animal. If a child has no body, then it is a ghost.
So, what do I mean when I said Mary is the Mother of Christ, the Triune God? I never meant Mary is the Mother of the Divinity of Christ (Spirit and Soul) as Mr. Soliman would have gullible fools like him believe. What I mean is that Mary is the Mother of the complete Person of Jesus Christ, which is composed of Jesus Christ’s uncreated Spirit, Divine Soul and Holy Body. Why did I call Christ the Triune God? I call Christ the Triune God not from my own volition, but from testimonies of the God-inspired Bible (2 Tm 3:16), like the following verses:
• The fullness of God dwells in the Son:
{For in him dwells the whole fullness of the deity bodily. (Col 2:9)}
{For in him all the fullness was pleased to dwell. (Col 1:19)}
• God is Trinity, and the Son was in the form of God, therefore, the Son is Trinity:
{Who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. (Phil 2:6)}
• The Father is in the Son and the Son is in the Father:
{But if I perform them, even if you do not believe me, believe the works, so that you may realize (and understand) that the Father is in me and I am in the Father. (Jn 10:38)}
{Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on my own. The Father who dwells in me is doing his works. (Jn 14:10)}
{Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else, believe because of the works themselves. (Jn 14:11)}
{So that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me. (Jn 17:21)}
The Father and the Son are one (Jn 10:30), and the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father (Jn 15:26; Act 2:33), thus, if the Father is in the Son, and the Son is in the Father, and the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son, then the Father and the Holy Spirit is in the Son, and the Son and the Holy Spirit is in the Father, and the Father and the Son is in the Holy Spirit, and that is precisely what CCC 255 is all about:
it does not divide the divine unity, the real distinction of the persons from
one another resides solely in the relationships which relate them to one
another: “In the relational names of the persons the Father is related to the
Son, the Son to the Father, and the Holy Spirit to both. While they are called
three persons in view of their relations, we believe in one nature or substance.” Indeed “everything (in them) is one where there is no opposition of relationship.” “Because of that unity the Father is wholly in the Son and
wholly in the Holy Spirit; the Son wholly in the Father and wholly in the Holy
Spirit; the Holy Spirit is wholly in the Father and wholly in the Son.”
Therefore, my statement and the statement of Atty. Marwil Llasos were not in any way contradicting one another, but rather, they both conforms to the pristine teaching of the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church which is the household of God, the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth (1 Tm 3:15).
Mr. Soliman got it all wrong because he doesn’t belong to the household of God and, therefore, he is totally bereft of the truth of God. Poor idiot.
Again, the counter-refutation of Mr. Soliman goes down the drain.
Since Mr. Soliman mentioned senatorial candidate Atty. Marwil Llasos, I’d like to inform him that I will vote for Atty. Llasos and his party mates as my lead senators comes May 2013 as they are offering not only the best alternative solutions to our country’s problems but they are also respecter of the Mother of God. And I ask all Filipino Catholic voters to reject Eddie Villanueva, a born again cult senatorial bet, who harbors enmity with the Mother of God and endorser of apostate Anthony Pezzotta’s diabolical book Truth Encounter. His man-made cult Jesus is Lord is inaccurately named, thus, a misnomer. The right term should be Jesus is Lord God (Ex 3:15; Rev 1:8). Can you stomach a born again false pastor who incessantly attacks and abhors the Mother of God and the Mother of all the children of God become a senator of our predominantly Catholic country? OMG!
“In order for the Catholic syllogism to be valid, they have to prove that Mary is also the mother of the divine aspects of Christ.”
My statements below were again quoted out of context by Mr. Soliman as he intentionally omitted some of my relevant statements, so I restored them in parenthesis ():
The last sentence of Soliman is the most idiotic statement I ever heard from a self-claimed apologist and an unqualified resource person of Protestants at that.
(Ordinary human beings are composed of created spirits, created souls and created bodies (1 Thes 5:23). Ordinarily, human bodies are formed from the copulation of two human partners of opposite sexes:
{“I too am a mortal man, the same as all the rest, and a descendant of the first man formed on earth. And in my mother’s womb I was molded into flesh in a ten-months’ period-body and blood, from the seed of man, and the pleasure that accompanies marriage. (Wis 7:1-2)”})
(Spirits and souls are direct creation of the Father through Christ (Col 1:16; Heb 1:2) which He breathed into human bodies:
{“Because he knew not the one who fashioned him, and breathed into him a quickening soul, and infused a vital spirit. (Wis 15:11)”})
Therefore, human bodies were formed from the union of the human parents – aka the cocreator of God, while spirits and souls were created by God which He breathed into the human bodies to enliven them, otherwise they remained lifeless.
In the case of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Holy Body was formed by the Holy Spirit from the seed of Mary (Gen 3:15; Heb 10:5), and His Spirit is the Spirit of God, ie, God Himself (Is 42:1; Mt 12:18; Jn 1:1), and His Divine Soul is the God-Hero who tasted death for our sins (Is 9:5; Heb 2:9; 1 Cor 15:3). At the moment of His death, the Lord Jesus Christ returned to God His Spirit of God (Lk 23:46; Jn 19:30) and His Divine Soul that assumed all the sins of the world and tasted death was left in His lifeless body and dragged into the place of the dead (Job 33:22).
Thus, the humanity of Jesus Christ is His Holy Body, while His divinities are His Spirit of God and His Divine Soul.
(Going back to the forming of Solomon in Bathsheba’s womb, only his humanity, that is, his flesh (body and blood) was formed in his mother’s womb (Wis 7:1-2). Solomon’s spiritual components were created spirit and created soul breathed by God into his body, and Bathsheba has nothing to do with it, but still, she was rightly called the mother of Solomon (1 Kgs 2:13).)
In the same way, only the humanity of Jesus Christ was formed in his mother’s womb, and His Divinities (uncreated Spirit of God and Divine Soul) were breathed by God into His Holy Body, and Mary has nothing to do with it, but still, she was rightly called the Mother of the Lord (Lk 1:43).
(Of course, the Lord mothered by Mary is Jesus Christ – the Triune God (Ex 3:15; Rev 1:8).)
“Let’s see who made an idiotic statement. It’s already understood that according to Mr. Bayani, Mary is also the mother of what is divine in Christ since a human being is composed of body (which is His humanity, soul, and spirit (which is His divinity).”
For the third time, I have to say this: Mr. Soliman is suffering from a very acute case of deficiency in reading comprehension and apparent lack of an analytical mind.
I never said Mary is also the mother of what is divine in Christ. What I said was this:
In the same way, only the humanity of Jesus Christ was formed in his mother’s womb, and His Divinities (uncreated Spirit of God and Divine Soul) were breathed by God into His Holy Body, and Mary has nothing to do with it, but still, she was rightly called the Mother of the Lord (Lk 1:43).
Of course, the Lord mothered by Mary is Jesus Christ – the Triune God (Ex 3:15; Rev 1:8).
Again, Mr. Soliman is overstretching his imagination to its snapping point.
“But how consistent will be be when we present to Mr. Bayani Luke 8:21
My mother and brothers are those who hear God’s word and put
it into practice.”
“So applying Mr. Bayani’s logic (if any) mothers who hear God’s word and put it into practice are not only mothers of Christ in a spiritual sense but they are also mothers in Christ’s humanity.”
For the fourth time, I hate to keep saying this but I must say it: Mr. Soliman is suffering from a very acute case of deficiency in reading comprehension and apparent lack of an analytical mind.
Luke 8:21 was very clear in saying “mother” in singular form and “brothers” in plural form, because the Lord Jesus Christ can have only one spiritual and natural mother: Mary; while the rest of humanity are all His brothers – including the mothers who hear God’s word and put it into practice.
Mr. Soliman was very much dead wrong in asserting that mothers who hear God’s word and put it into practice are not only mothers of Christ in a spiritual sense but they are also mothers in Christ’s humanity. That’s baloney! Only the Blessed Virgin Mary can be called the spiritual and natural mother of Jesus Christ as she was the only Mother of God the Son foreknown by God before the foundation of the world! Only the Blessed Virgin Mary was the
Immaculate Conception who can contain the Uncontainable One! Only the Blessed Virgin Mary was the Perpetual Virgin who can conceive, gestate and bear the Holy Child!
“Since Mr. Bayani asserted that humans are composed of body, soul, and spirit, he should be accepting that such mothers can be logically called mothers of God in both human and divine aspects.”
The aforementioned statement of Mr. Soliman showed that he is not only suffering from a very acute case of deficiency in reading comprehension and apparent lack of an analytical mind, but also nil in logic!
I admit that I asserted that humans are composed of body, soul, and spirit, as it was taught to me by St. Paul:
{May the God of peace himself make you perfectly holy and may you entirely, spirit, soul, and body, be preserved blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thes 5:23)}
What boggled my mind was this: Just because I asserted humans are composed of body, soul, and spirit, then why should I be accepting that such mothers can be logically called mothers of God in both human and divine aspects? There’s just no connection whatsoever. Only a fatuous nincompoop
can come out with such an absurd statement and illogicalities!
“It’s safe to say that Mr. Bayani’s argument lacks both logic and intelligence.”
We have just witnessed a Roman Catholic apologist who does not know what he is defending.”
It’s much safer to say that those are the empty words of a looney ready to fly over the cuckoo’s nest.
Interestingly, Mr. Soliman intentionally excluded the rest of my confutations below which obviously got him and his colleagues baffled:
“Soliman said: Protestants believe that Mary is the mother of the human aspects of Christ only.”
Bayani: As already explained above, the human aspect of Christ is His Holy Body only. Now, if Protestants believe that Mary is the mother of the human aspects of Christ only, as Soliman proclaimed, then the fake Mary of the Protestants has conceived, gestated and delivered a fake still born Christ because a body without a spirit is dead (Jms 2:26)!
Therefore, it has always been the truth of God from eternity that the Blessed Virgin Mary is the true Mother of God (Rev 12:1-2)!
The false teaching of Protestants that opposed Mary is the Mother of God is a diabolical doctrine invented and spread by Satan that serves as his bait for perdition which the Protestants as a whole gobbled up hook,line and sinker!
May God rebuke all Protestants this Lenten Season 2013 (Year of Faith) that they may see His true Light in the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, which is the household of God, the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth (1 Tm 3:15).

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